Thalía Fernández

Photography Blog

Get To Know Me

Hi! My name is Thalía, and I'm an amateur photographer based in New York. Photography has been a passion of mine for years, and I'm excited to share my work with you through my blog.


Street Photography: Mexico

Street Photography

Guanajuato, México

Street Photography

Teotihuacán, México

Guanajuato Street Market

Guanajuato, Mexico

Guanajuato Street Market

Guanajuato, Mexico

Street Vendors

Teotihuacán, México

Candid Portrait

Guanajuato, México

Action Photos: Skateboarding

Underground Skate Session

New York

Underground Skate Session

New York

Underground Skate Session

New York

Underground Skate Session

New York

Underground Skate Session

New York

Action Photos: UFC GYM

UFC Gym Class

New York

UFC Gym Class

New York

UFC Gym Class

New York

UFC Gym Class

New York

UFC Gym Class

New York

UFC Gym Class

New York

UFC Gym Class

New York

UFC Gym Class

New York

UFC Gym Class

New York

UFC Gym Class

New York

Product Photography Samples

Portrait Photography Sample


New York


New York


New York




Lady Rodes at Freehold

New York, New York

Lady Rodes at Freehold

New York, New York

Personal Project

This personal project is also a long-time dream passion project of mine. I have always wanted to create something deeply personal which reflects who people are to their core; the lessons they’ve learned, the stories they keep, and their continuous growth. I’ve had the pleasure of meeting and befriending some extremely caring and inspiring people, and I will be highlighting them throughout this project.

You’ll find a lot of vulnerability, discussions of life lessons, and overall heartfelt conversations filled with laughter and love. I hope you enjoy it.


Rebecca was kind enough to let me sit in and take photos of one of her favorite healing and therapeutic activities. She has been painting for years, turning her personal therapy into a small business.

Rebecca and I have been good friends for over a decade, and I have learned so much throughout our friendship. She's one of my friends who reminds me constantly to give myself grace, take things with ease, find gratitude in every moment, and laugh as much as possible because it is medicine. I wanted to ask her this question because we’d touched on this topic once before, and she was the first person to tell me that healing is a continuous journey, it’s never over, but there is a certain beauty to that in itself.

To choose to heal is to choose self-love.

When I'm not behind the lens, I enjoy writing, reading, and creating short vlogs of my everyday life; these activities inspire me and give me a fresh perspective of the world, which I bring to my photography.

My goal with this blog is to share my love of photography and hopefully inspire anyone to pick up a camera and explore the world around them. I'll be sharing my journey, behind-the-scenes stories, and lots of photos.

Thank you for joining me on this journey!





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